The Marketplace Circle of Champions is a yearly program that recognizes all Marketplace-registered brokers and agents' work, service and expertise. These brokers partner with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to help Americans find the best health insurance plans to support their short and long-term health needs.
Health Plans of NC, Kelly Quinn
The Marketplace Circle of Champions is a yearly program that recognizes all Marketplace-registered brokers and agents' work, service and expertise. These brokers partner with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to help Americans find the best health insurance plans to support their short and long-term health needs.
A broker or agent must meet specific eligibility criteria to be recognized in the Circle of Champions Marketplace, including completing the current year registration and training requirements for the Health Insurance Marketplace, holding a valid National Producer Number, and having an active health-related line of authority in their state of operation. They also need to have a minimum of 20 active enrollments throughout the annual Open Enrollment period.
There are three different levels available for health insurance agents and brokers:
Circle of Champions: this level relates to any agents or brokers who have assisted between 20 and 99 active enrollments.
Elite Circle of Champions: this level is for brokers or agents who have helped between 100-499 active enrollments.
Elite Plus Circle of Champions: this level relates to agents or brokers who have actively assisted 500 plus active enrollments.
Enrollments must be active and completed during the Open Enrollment period to be eligible. In addition, an agent (and their client/s) have to ensure all enrollments are associated with their National Producer Number (NPN) to count towards the Circle of Champions program.
Active enrollments refer to helping clients apply for or enroll in any Marketplace coverage. It can also mean helping an existing enrollee to update or review their application or select a new plan.
Enrollments are counted per individual client through any type of Marketplace pathway, for example, direct enrollment, enhanced direct enrollment etc.
All agents and brokers who qualify for the program receive a recognition package to celebrate their achievements. The package includes an appreciation letter, a certificate of recognition, a digitized commemorative badge and a toolkit to promote their recognition on social media. If you want to check if an agent has recognition, ask to see a copy of their badge or certificate.
If you're trying to find the best Marketplace health insurance plan for you and your family, getting advice from an experienced professional can help to save you both time and money. Finding an agent recognized by the CMS means their work is externally validated. Choosing an agent with this recognition can be helpful if you're unsure which broker to use when searching for the right level of coverage for you and your family.
At Health Plans of NC, we specialize in supporting residents of North Carolina to find the right Marketplace insurance for their needs and budget. So if you'd like help to find the best health insurance for you, get in touch with one of our local health insurance agents today.
Health Plans of NC, Kelly Quinn
Health Plans of NC, Kelly Quinn